Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day 2: Mickers

So today went fairly well. Got through the day without any major cravings. The only thing that caught me off guard was when I ran into someone in my office eating a salad. A salad with a lucious yellow pepper and nuts with a vinagrette dressing. Oh my god, I'm such a nut. Anyhow, powered through today. Went and got a deep tissue massage. Oh my god, i love deep tissue massages. then made the dumb mistake of going to meet my friends for dinner at Cote Sud. While sipped on nothing but bottled water, they had a fiest. Carl started with a belini stuffed with salmon and drizzled with a creamy sauce and topped with sour cream and caviar. Gabby had a tomato claufuti, looked amazing and fortunately, I didn't see what her boyfriend Jed ordered. For the main course, Carl had... ok I have to stop. I finally had to leave in the middle of their main course because I could feel my stomach growling. I ran across the street to Cala and picked up some more lemons. Unfortunately, they did not have meyer lemons, so I settled for the only ones they had. Came home and settled in with my Mint Tea and continued my spring cleaning. The one bonus of the cleanse is that I get these amazing spurts of energy all day long. Ok, i'm finally winding down and getting tired. Until tomorrow...

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