Saturday, March 17, 2007

Reflections on a failed, yet successful cleanse...

So here it is folks, you finally get to hear the real story of why Mickey stopped the cleanse mid-stream. After 6 days of being faithful to cleanse aside from some jelly beans on Day 1, I decided the cleanse just wasn't for me. The first cleanse defiinitely helped see the relationship and emotional connection with food, but this second cleanse was just miserable. I tried desperately to cling to this higher power, but the whole cleanse just seemed idiotic after day 6... let me digress a little. So, during my 6 days of nothing but spicy lemonade, San Francisco, had some of the coldest weather in history. No matter how hard I tried, (cranking the heater up to 80 degrees) I could not stay warm. And the headaches, that Dr. Stanley Burroughs describes as the pain you feel when the toxins are leaving your body, seemed more to be a lack of protein. Beyonce can work the cleanse for every movie role or video she needs to do, but I seriously think its the most unheathly diet to feed yourself nothing but sugar water for 10 days. At least I'm walking away from this a little wiser and with great vegetable soup recipes. Thanks Ms. Laurs!