Friday, February 23, 2007

Day 7: Laurs AND Day 4: Mickers

Here we are--together! This is Laurs and I'm here with Mickers at his house. He rescued me from a sushi restaurant where I was stopping by to say hi to a friend. The sushi looked DELICIOUS and Mickers pulled up not a second too soon, like a starving knight in shining armor.

At the moment, Mickers is zipping around his apartment cleaning and organizing. Apparently, he has all kinds of energy while on the Cleanse and precisely zero tolerance for clutter. As I type this, he's scrubbing his stove top, recounting his day's adventures. I just learned of his horrific experience walking by Subway and Hot Cookie and the bagel shop. "All I could picture, Laurs, was the pesto bagel with veggie cream cheese, some red onions and a tomato, toasted of course." And he didn't BELIEVE me when I wrote about my superhero sense of smell. Touche. Note: I will NOT be walking anywhere NEAR Hot Cookie. That place has Cleanse-breaker written all over it.

Off we go to snuggle up on the couch and watch Sarah Silverman's Jesus is Magic wiith our mint tea. Later in the evening, we'll spice things up and switch over to the chocolate Senna. Racy.