Hooray! It's my last day. As I type this, I'm drinking Ginger Lemon tea in utter defiance. I simply CANNOT drink another cup of mint tea. I just can't.
Since last I wrote, there's been a lot of action in the world of Laurs and Mickers' second Cleanse. First of all, Mickers decided to abort mission. I know, I know. This decision shook my world, too. I'll let him explain himself, but rest assured that he's doing well. In fact, he just stopped by to try my homemade veggie soup, which he said was "restaurant quality." Love that boy... I dare say, the results were indeed smashing.
The other breaking news is that I started my juice fast a day early, on Day 10 rather than Day 11. Not to blame Mickers for my decision, BUT, he just sounded so happy to be back on regular food--it killed me! Plus, I'm meeting up with an old friend in LA this weekend and I REALLY want to be able to go out to dinner and drink some wine with her. This way, I'll have time to ease myself back in by the time we sit down to dinner. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
OK, that wasn't the whole truth. The honest to God truth, my friends, is that not only did I start my juice fast this morning, but I also had some rye crackers for lunch and a taste of the veggie soup for dinner. Gasp! I know. It was plain wrong, but what can I say? Fresh squeezed orange juice is a slippery slope to the forbidden world of solid food, I guess. Not to worry, I still drank my lemonade for lunch and plan to continue with juice and soup for the next couple of days.
Tomorrow, I plan to write my Cleanse Reflections. I'm still thinking through the experience and will hopefully have something profound to share. Until then, I'll be basking in the splendor of rye crackers, veggie soup and, my favorite, pomegranate blueberry juice.
Since last I wrote, there's been a lot of action in the world of Laurs and Mickers' second Cleanse. First of all, Mickers decided to abort mission. I know, I know. This decision shook my world, too. I'll let him explain himself, but rest assured that he's doing well. In fact, he just stopped by to try my homemade veggie soup, which he said was "restaurant quality." Love that boy... I dare say, the results were indeed smashing.
The other breaking news is that I started my juice fast a day early, on Day 10 rather than Day 11. Not to blame Mickers for my decision, BUT, he just sounded so happy to be back on regular food--it killed me! Plus, I'm meeting up with an old friend in LA this weekend and I REALLY want to be able to go out to dinner and drink some wine with her. This way, I'll have time to ease myself back in by the time we sit down to dinner. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
OK, that wasn't the whole truth. The honest to God truth, my friends, is that not only did I start my juice fast this morning, but I also had some rye crackers for lunch and a taste of the veggie soup for dinner. Gasp! I know. It was plain wrong, but what can I say? Fresh squeezed orange juice is a slippery slope to the forbidden world of solid food, I guess. Not to worry, I still drank my lemonade for lunch and plan to continue with juice and soup for the next couple of days.
Tomorrow, I plan to write my Cleanse Reflections. I'm still thinking through the experience and will hopefully have something profound to share. Until then, I'll be basking in the splendor of rye crackers, veggie soup and, my favorite, pomegranate blueberry juice.