Monday, February 19, 2007

Day 3: Laurs

Day 3 wasn't bad at all. I woke up around 9 (surprisingly late for a Cleanse morning) and hung out on my roof deck for a couple hours reading (it's been hot here!). In the afternoon, I attempted to walk to my massage apt at The Kabuki Springs and Spa but only got about 1/2 way before jumping on the bus. I have enough energy to get through a day, but an hour walk is a bit much when I'm not eating, I guess.

The massage was one of the best I've ever had and my night was shaping up to be a good one...until I got off the bus at 16th and had to walk down Valencia to get home. This may not sound like a big deal, but if you've ever walked between 16th and 21st on this street, you'll know what I mean. The area has been dubbed San Francisco's gourmet ghetto for a good reason: Chinese, Mediterranean, Vietnamese, Mexican, Japanese, Peruvian, Indian and every other kind of delicious restaurant lines the street--you name it, they're all there. And at 7 pm, precisely the time of my walk home, the kitchens were pumping out dish after dish and the street was full of all kinds of inviting smells.

Yet I resisted and returned home where I made myself a big cup of mint tea and got back to my book. Ugh.

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